
Bold as Brass——厚顏無恥

Bold as Brass——厚顏無恥

** utterly impudent(絕對無禮)// audacious(大膽)// shameless(無恥)// not afraid at all(一點也不害怕)// very confident(非常自信)// very bold(非常大膽)

~~ 厚顏無恥;死皮賴臉;厚臉皮;厚顏;臉如城牆厚;膽大妄為;膽大包天;明目張膽;極為放肆

~~ as bold as brass(像黃銅一樣厚臉皮)// brazen // insensible // insolent // unabashed // fearless // unflinched // undaunted // unwavering // steadfast // resolutely

!! In early 1590s Shakespeare wrote in Love’s Labour’s Lost: “Can any face of brass hold longer out?” to mean impudent, insensible or shameless. He also wrote in 1605 in King Lear, “What a brazen-faced varlet (=valet) art thou (=you are)!” Thus brazen and brassy face for brass-like have been used in figurative sense of shameless.


>> The coach replaced goalkeeper Peter during the game, but he insisted on not leaving the field, bold as brass.


>> This beggar went to a high-end restaurant to eat, bold as brass, but he only had HK$10 when the bill came. The manager kindly allowed him to wash dishes to pay for the meal.



李啟文  教授

2021-03-25 學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文  教授 1 1 澳门日报 content_108860.html 1 Bold as Brass——厚顏無恥 /enpproperty-->