
Read the Riot Act——嚴詞責備

Read the Riot Act——嚴詞責備

** chastise譴責// excoriate痛斥// upbraid責備// rebuke訓斥// reprove指責// admonish告誡


~~ lay down the law // haul/drag/rake over the coals // dress down // call on the carpet

!! George I, the first of the German Hanoverian line to ruleEngland decreed the Riot Act in 1714.


If a dozen or more people are assembled unlawfully, riotously and tumultuously...Anyone who refused or who continued to riot for an hour or more after the reading of the Riot Act would be guilty of a felony, imprisoned for life or for not less than three years, with or without hard labor for not more than two years.


>> The short teacher saw two tall middle school students peeping at each other’s test papers. Not only did he not read them the riot act, he turned and walked away. He gave a bad example to the next generation, was derelict of his duty, and also a social scum.


>> A student in the public library was talking to himself loudly. After being prompted by other readers, he still did not improve. The administrator finally read him the riot act that if he heard him talking to himself again, he would ask him to leave.



李啟文  教授

2021-05-27 學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文  教授 1 1 澳门日报 content_121859.html 1 Read the Riot Act——嚴詞責備 /enpproperty-->