
Bosom Buddy——知己

Bosom Buddy——知己

** A bosom (bo發音為長音u或短音o) buddy or friend is one you might share deep feelings with or have deep feelings for.


~~ bosom friend; bosom pal; close friend; best friend; intimate friend; dedicated friend; soul mate; second self; good buddy; loyal companion; kindred spirit

!!“Bosom” connotes the seat of one’s inmost thoughts or feelings. It came from 2 Samuel 12:3 of the Old Testament, where Nathan says: “lay in his bosom and was unto him as a daughter.” In Gospel of St. John of the New Testament, John, often called the “beloved disciple,” is portrayed as the bosom friend of Jesus.


!! “Buddy,” for comrade or chum, originated from America in the mid-19th century. “Bosom buddy” is an American alliterative modification of “bosom friend” (c. 1920).

“Buddy”意為同志或密友,起源於十九世紀中葉的美國。“Bosom buddy”是美國“bosom friend”押頭韻的變體(約一九二○年)。

>> The Internet has reduced a lot of physical contacts; people may have a lot of friends but few bosom buddies.


>> I'm very fortunate to have a bosom buddy who always got my back and whom I act and share everything with.


學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文 教授

2024-10-10 學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文 教授 1 1 澳门日报 content_367689.html 1 Bosom Buddy——知己 /enpproperty-->