Whose Ox Is Gored——看法不同
** offense or injury to me personally is more real than when it concerns others; an event will be seen differently depending on the viewer's self-interest or personal involvement
~~ whose ox is being gored; whose ox gets gored; depending on circumstances; depending on the situation; according to the circumstances; it remains to be seen
!! Old Testament Exodus 21. 28-32: “If a bull gores a man or a woman to death, the bull must be stoned to death ... owner of the bull will not be held responsible.”Goring an ox is seen in a matador event.
《舊約 · 出埃及記》廿一章廿八至三十二節:“如果公牛將一個男人或一個女人刺死,那麼公牛必須被石頭砸死……公牛的主人將不承擔責任。”在鬥牛比賽中可以看到用劍刺牛。
!! The basic idea is: if it's my ox, I care; if it's someone else's, I don't care. We are more likely to feel offended by a comment or action when it is directed against our own interests, and not otherwise.
>> We would consider it inappropriate to call the president a 'pig-faced liar,' if we support that president, but if otherwise, we would likely overlook it–really depending on whose ox is gored.
>> The loss of my old photographs has a much bigger value than the insurance company reimbursed me; they are irreplaceable; it all depends on whose ox is gored!
李啓文 教授