
Hang by a Thread——岌岌可危

Hang by a Thread——岌岌可危

** subject to or threatened by imminent danger(迫在眉睫的危險) // in a risky or unstable situation(處於危險或不穩定的境地)

// slight change can lead to bad result: death or failure(微小的變化可能導致不好的結果:死亡或失敗)

~~ 危在旦夕;岌岌可危;千鈞一髮;搖搖欲墜;奄奄待斃;縷息僅存

~~ hang by a hair; skate on thin ice; play with fire; hang in the balance; be on the ropes/skids; leave to luck; run the risk/chance

!! In this 5th-century B.C. story of Damocles, a servile courtier was flattering the king Dionysius I of Syracuse with his constant references to the king's great power and happiness. The King invited him to a magnificent banquet, to teacher him a lesson that power and happiness were precarious. Damocles enjoyed the feast until he happened to glance up and found himself seated directly under a sharp sword suspended by a single thin thread that symbolizes his insecure position at the court.


>> The imminent war between Iran and Israel makes the peace in the region hang by a thread.


>> The democrat's future is hanging by a thread since their presidential candidate has never been tested.




2024-08-15 李啟文 1 1 澳门日报 content_356652.html 1 Hang by a Thread——岌岌可危 /enpproperty-->