
Birds and the Bees——基本性知識

Birds and the Bees——基本性知識

** euphemism for sex education; basic facts about sex and reproduction


~~ basic facts about sex; sex education; lessons about sex; discussion about sex; study about sexual behavior; study about sex and sexuality

!! This phrase alludes to sexual behavior in animals, e.g., birds laying eggs can be understood as female ovulation; and bees pollinating flowers can be understood as male insemination. It is used to avoid explicit explanation to children of human’s sexual behavior.


!! The phrase originated in the second half of 1800s, and it was made popular in 1928 when Cole Porter’s song Let’s Do It: “Birds do it, bees do it / Even educated fleas do it /Let’s do it, let’s fall in love.” The phrase may now be referred to any information that has been simplified down to the grade-school level.

這句話起源於十九世紀下半葉,並於一九二八年高爾 · 波特的歌曲《我們做吧》流行起來:“鳥類這樣做,蜜蜂也這樣做/甚至受過教育的跳蚤也這樣做/讓我們一起做吧,讓我們墜入愛河。”該短語現在可以指任何已簡化至小學程度的資訊。

>> Nowadays, even children at five already know about birds and the bees.


>> I know “religion and philosophy”; don’t talk to me like it’s birds and the bees.




李啟文 教授

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