On One's High Horse——極度傲慢
** to behave in a superior, arrogant or condescending way(表現得優越、傲慢或居高臨下。)
~~ hoity-toity; high and mighty; above oneself; full of oneself; stuck-up; self-centered; big-headed; high-handed // get on or get off one’s high horse
!! In the royal pageants of Medieval England high ranking nobles customarily rode "high horses" that were much taller than the average ones. The reasons were to emphasize their prominence and be seen better. Riding on one's high horse represented superiority and arrogance. Getting off one’s high horse means becoming humble, modest or less arrogant.
>> Many people were glad to see the dot-com executives losing out -- they rode their high horses without regard to the worker bees' plight of long hours and lack of family lives.
>> When the financial chief received a final written warning for riding on her high horse, being extremely arrogant, completely rude, and almost unresponsive to customers, she resigned.
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