
Sick as a Dog——病得很嚴重

Sick as a Dog——病得很嚴重

** very sick or ill // feel nauseated or vomiting profusely // feel miserable or unhappy

~~病得很嚴重;身體不舒服;生一場大病 // 嘔吐得厲害 // 感到不愉快;感到很懊喪

~~ to be very ill; not feeling well; under the weather; out of sorts; sick to one's stomach // to vomit badly // feel unhappy; feel very depressed

!! There are many 'sick as a ... ' using animals such as cats, rats and horses, but sick as a dog is the oldest and was recorded from 1705. It mostly alludes to physical sickness or unhappiness. At that time, dogs were not a cherished animal, and often had been linked to things considered unpleasant or undesirable.


'Go to the dogs' would mean go downhill or worsen. Despite dogs being touted as man's best friend nowadays, they are often vilified.

“go to the dogs”意味着走下坡路或情況惡化。儘管現今狗被吹捧為人類最好的朋友,但它們仍經常遭到詆譭。

!! The other meaning of the phrase was linked to vomit. It came from Proverbs 26:11 of the Bible: “As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.”


>> Please get a flu shot now, or you’ll be sick as a dog.


>> Bob drank too much during his engagement party, and now he has hangover and sick as a dog.




李啟文 教授

2024-02-01 李啟文 1 1 澳门日报 content_317240.html 1 Sick as a Dog——病得很嚴重 /enpproperty-->