
Rome Was Not Built in a Day——堅持必成

Rome Was Not Built in a Day——堅持必成

** grand undertaking or great things with lasting value require time and patience; major achievements or radical changes cannot happen overnight


~~ be patient; patience, persistence and perseverance are the keys to success; ambitious/complex task is bound to take a long time; complicated task should not be rushed; important tasks call for a lot of hard work

!! This expression came from a French proverb in late 1100s, Rome ne fut pas faite toute en un jour ("Rome was not made in one day"). It is used as a plea for someone to be patient, persistent and persevering. But, it is often used by superior-minded people who like to give advice about other people’s lives, and it is resented by zealous people who do not regard patience as a virtue.


>> I know it has taken a long time for your LEEK English Pronunciation Method to be widely known, but Rome wasn’t built in a day.


>> The success of an educational institution is as Rome wasn’t built in a day.



李啓文 教授

2023-11-23 李啓文 1 1 澳门日报 content_303336.html 1 Rome Was Not Built in a Day——堅持必成 /enpproperty-->