
Put on the Dog——擺排場

Put on the Dog——擺排場

** put on a flashy or showy display(進行顯眼或華麗的展示); pretend one is very stylish or rich(假裝自己非常時尚或富有); behave in an extravagant or pretentious manner(表現得奢侈或自命不凡); act as if you are more important than you are(表現得好像你比實際情況更重要)


~~ show off; put on big looks; put on the ritz; put on airs; act high and mighty; be on the high horse; behave arrogantly; be full of oneself; flaunt one's wealth; be conceited; be haughty; be self-important; put on frills; put up a front; put on display

!! The new rich after the American Civil War wanted to be accepted by the upper classes; they copied a custom from the rich Europeans. They, especially the ladies, displayed their prosperity by keeping extravagantly pampered lapdogs, particularly King Charles and Blenheim spaniels, which were rather snooty-looking dogs.


>> The newly hired hosted a banquet to all the local public officials, about three hundred of them, but less than ten people knew him. What a putting on the dog!


>> He always put on the dog in entertaining his old classmates, and orders the most expensive banquet in the city to show that he is very wealthy.




李啓文 教授

2023-10-12 李啓文 1 1 澳门日报 content_294139.html 1 Put on the Dog——擺排場 /enpproperty-->