
Sell Like Hot Cakes——熱賣

Sell Like Hot Cakes——熱賣

** be sold very quickly; enjoy very brisk sales; great commercial success

~~ 熱銷;很暢銷;熱賣;大賣;瘋狂銷售;賣得火爆;出賣得很快;銷售得很快;被搶購一空;很受歡迎的東西;搶手貨;爭先恐後地買

~~ go like hot cakes; sell like pancakes; sell very quickly; selling like crazy; sell in large quantities; be in demand; be popular; be snapped up; fly off the shelves

!! Hot cakes was an American name for griddle cakes or pancakes since William Penn wrote of "hot cakes and new corn" in 1683. They were extremely popular at church benefits sales, carnivals and country fairs, where food stands played an important role. They were best served when piping hot, therefore they were usually sold as quickly as they were cooked.

自一六八三年威廉 · 佩恩寫下“煎餅和新玉米”以來,“hot cakes”便是美國對 烤餅或煎餅的稱呼。它們在教堂福利銷售、嘉年華和市集上非常受歡迎,當中食品攤發揮了重要作用。趁熱食最好,因此通常一煎好後就賣得很快。

!! They were so popular that by the mid-19th century the term had been transferred to anything that was sold effortlessly and quickly.


>> We can be sure that this new pronunciation method will sell like hot cakes. In just the past month, more than ten classes of the "LEEK English Pronunciation Method" have been taught.


>> We are thrilled that our new book is selling like hot cakes.




李啓文 教授

2023-09-28 李啓文 教授 1 1 澳门日报 content_291416.html 1 Sell Like Hot Cakes——熱賣 /enpproperty-->