
Good Riddance——實在大解脫

Good Riddance——實在大解脫

** relief at/from a loss or departure // glad something/someone undesirable is gone

~~ 總算打發走了;實在大解脫;終於除掉他了;終於解脫了;總算擺脫了;他可算走了;他走了最好;可喜的擺脫;拔除得好;如釋重負;謝天謝地,終於處理掉這件煩心的物事

~~ good riddance to bad rubbish; what a relief; bout time (something should have occurred a long time ago); finally; it was just time; not a moment too soon; thank God

!! “Riddance” refers to the act of getting rid of something undesirable. “Good riddance” signifies a welcome relief from something. It was at first put as “happy riddance,” in the late 18th century, and was first recorded in 1783 as “a good riddance!” often used with an exclamation.

“Riddance”是指擺脫不想要的東西的行為。“Good riddance”表示從某事中得到歡迎的解脫。它最初在十八世紀後期被稱為“快樂的擺脫”,並於一七八三年首次被記錄為“一個很好的擺脫!”常與感嘆號連用。

!! The much stronger and rarer phrase “good riddance to bad rubbish!” is often said of some worthless/shunned person who is leaving a place or a group of people.


>> Twenty years ago, I had called a real estate company about renting, then I received sales calls from different employees almost every day. Finally, I told them I would report them to police and the Privacy Office, then they stopped calling. “Good riddance!”


>> This male teacher often times behaved badly. He was finally reported by a male student and arrested by the police - good riddance to bad rubbish.



李啓文 教授

2023-05-25 李啓文 教授 1 1 澳门日报 content_265007.html 1 Good Riddance——實在大解脫 /enpproperty-->