
Make No Bones about It ——直言不諱

Make No Bones about It ——直言不諱

** to say, do, or indicate something clearly and without hesitation, formality, evasion, or fear of consequences(清楚地說明、做或表明,毫不猶豫、拘謹、逃避或害怕後果。)


~~ make no fuss about it; get to the nitty-gritty; cut right to the chase; get down to brass tacks; mince no words; talk turkey; not beat around the bush; not pull your punches

!! The first allusion is probably to persons’ making no fuss or objection about eating soup, stew or pottage if there are bones in it.


!! The second allusion is the bones in the gambling dice. Dice thrower who "made no bones" would avoid the usual chants and invocations urging the dice to come up right, and would simply throw them without hesitation or fuss.


>> EduardoDuhalde, upon taking office of the President of Argentina on January 5, 2002, made no bones about the condition of his country: "Argentinais bust. It's bankrupt. Business is halted, .."

愛德華多 · 杜阿爾在二○○二年一月五日就任阿根廷總統後,對他的國家狀況不加掩飾地說:“阿根廷正在被撃碎,它已經破產,業務已停止了。”

>> When your company is in financial trouble, make no bones about it, tell your employees the absolute reality.




李啓文 教授

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