
Shit Hits the Fan——大難臨頭

Shit Hits the Fan——大難臨頭

** situation has suddenly become a big problem or controversy(情勢突然變成大難題或具爭議)//

when the expected trouble arrives(當預期的麻煩到來時)// major trouble following the disclosure of some information(在披露某些信息後出現重大問題)


~~ when the shit flies // when doo-doo hits the fan // it gets worse // hell breaks loose // neck deep // things go wrong/bad/south // things get ugly

!! This vulgar slang calls up the image of feces spread by a rapidly revolving electric fan. The idiom is common in theUSA since about 1830. Partridge says the original reference is to "an agricultural muck-spreader."(這個粗俗的俚語喚起了一個由快速旋轉的電風扇來散播糞便的圖像。自一八三○年以來,這成語在美國很常見。帕特里奇說原文參考自“農業糞便撒播機”。)

>> When the prosecutor indicts the very top governmental officers of the intelligence community for their deliberate illegal use of unverified material against the chancellor, shit will hit the fan on the opposition.(當檢察官指控情報界頂級政府官員故意非法使用未經證實的資料來針對總理時,反對派會糟糕透頂。)

>> When the shareholders of the EV company hear the rumor that it’s about to declare bankruptcy, shit will hit the fan.(當電動汽車公司的股東們聽到有關它即將宣佈破產的謠言時,已是大難臨頭了。)


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