
All Wool and a Yard Wide——優質的

All Wool and a Yard Wide——優質的

** genuine(真品)/ honest(誠實)/ upright(正直)/ authentic(正品)// first-class(一流)/ honorable(尊貴)/ respectable(可敬)/ excellent(優秀)/ trustworthy(可靠)/ sincere(真誠)/ someone of high quality, character or reliability(高品質、有個性或可靠的人。)

~~貨真價實的;優質的;品質優良的;值得信賴的 // 誠實可靠的;品格高尚的;極好的

~~ all wool and no shoddy(所有真正羊毛,沒有粗製濫造)// the real McCoy(真正的麥考伊)

!! “All wool and a yard wide” might have originated during the American Civil War when shoddy clothes were made from reprocessed wool or semi-felted material derived from shredded fibers of waste woolen cloth, and supplied to the Union Army. Uniform coats thus made often come apart on a wearer’s back.


!! The expression comes from the clothing trade or yard-goods industry, where a seller would claim that a piece of cloth was 100 percent wool and measured fully a yard, in contrast to inferior material and short measures.(這詞語來自服裝貿易或針織品行業,賣方會聲稱一塊布是百分百羊毛,足足一碼,而,1是來自劣質材料和短碼。)

>> For this talented advertising designer, his fees are all wool and a yard wide.(對於這個才華洋溢的廣告設計師來說,他的收費確是貨真價實的。)

>> This barbershop owner's products are all wool and a yard wide and well received by customers.(這理髮店老闆的出品是優質的,深受顧客歡迎。)


李啓文 教授

2022-10-06 李啓文 1 1 澳门日报 content_219336.html 1 All Wool and a Yard Wide——優質的 /enpproperty-->