Don't Burn One's Bridges——不要自斷後路
** don’t commit oneself to an irreversible course of action, without possibility of backing down(不要將自己投入到不可逆轉的行動過程中,沒有退縮的可能性)// don’t make a change of plans impossible(不要讓改變計劃成為不可能)
~~ 不要自斷後路;要為自己留條後路;不要破釜沉舟,把橋燒了,要給自己留條退路;不要把事做絕,人情留一線,日後好相見;不要自絕退路,自毀前程;不要切斷退路,要留條後路。
~~ don't destroy the bridge behind oneself; don't eliminate the possibility of retreat; don't make any going back impossible; don't cutoff the way back
!! “Burn one's bridges” originally referred to a retreating army that was burning bridges behind itself to add difficulties to pursuers.
!! Roman generals, including Julius Caesar, often did burn all their boats after invading an alien land to stiffen the resolve of his troops with the fact that there could be no retreat. Later, for the same reason, soldiers crossing a river literally burned the bridge they had used.
(羅馬將軍,包括凱撒,在入侵異域後經常燒燬他們所有的船隻,以加強其軍隊的 決心,因為他們無法撤退。後來,出於同樣原因,過河的士兵也燒燬了他們用過的橋樑。)
>> Denouncing one’s boss in a written resignation means the employee has burned one’s bridges - don't do that.
>> You might want to return to this town some day, so try to leave it on good terms with everybody and don’t burn your bridges behind you.
學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文 教授