
Proof of the Pudding——試過才知道

Proof of the Pudding——試過才知道

** test, use or try something before the true worth of it can be fully assessed(測試、使用或嘗試一些事物,然後才能對其真正的價值進行全面評估)

~~ 實踐證明好壞;試過才知道;實踐出真知;實踐的檢驗;實踐檢驗知好壞;只有實踐才是真正的檢驗;空談不如實踐;空談不如實驗;品嘗布丁證明其好壞

~~ proof of the pudding is in the eating // proof is in the pudding // judge not a book by its cover // judge only after experiencing/trying/using // seeing is believing // actions speak louder than words

!! The proverb literally says that even though the pudding may look good, you won’t know whether the pudding mixture is correct and has been cooked successfully until you eat or taste it. “Proof” in here has the sense of “test” as in proving-ground and printer’s proof with a connotation of quality control.


>> The education bureau thinks that the new exam system will be more effective but some of the teachers are not so sure. The proof of the pudding is in the eating - we'll see the results next year.


>> Let’s see if this advertizement actually increases enrollment - the proof of the pudding, you know.



李啟文  教授

2022-09-15 學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文  教授 1 1 澳门日报 content_215057.html 1 Proof of the Pudding——試過才知道 /enpproperty-->