Hitch One's Wagon to a Star──好高騖遠
** to rely on powers higher than one’s own for success(依靠高於自己的力量取得成功);to pursue grand or lofty goals, often by partnering with someone or something that is already successful or revered(追求宏偉或崇高的目標,通常與已經成功或受人尊敬的某人或某事合作。)
~~ 靠大師協助;找靠山;徒弟跟師父 // 好高騖遠;雄心勃勃;野心勃勃;懷有雄心壯志;懷抱着遠大的理想;志大才疏;痴心妄想;妄想登天;追求力所不及的東西
~~ set high goals // aim high // be nobly or ethically ambitious // have, and act on, a lofty ideal
!! The phrase originated from an 1862 Ralph Waldo Emerson (American philosopher, essayist and poet) essay American Civilization: “Now that is the wisdom of a man, in every instance of his labor, to hitch his wagon to a star, and see his chore done by the gods themselves. ”
(這句話源於一八六二年拉爾夫 · 沃爾多 · 愛默生(美國哲學家、散文家和詩人)的一篇文章《美國文明》:這就是一個人的智慧,在他每一次工作中,將他的馬車拴在一顆星星上,並看到他的雜務是由眾神親自完成的。)
>> Tammy doesn’t know much about stock investment, but she hitched her wagon to a star by following all the steps Jack takes in buying and selling, and she hit riches.
>> Peter hitches his wagon to a star; he wants to be the first astronaut in Hong Kong and Macau.
學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啓文 教授