
For the Birds——太差勁

For the Birds——太差勁

** undesirable // inferior // worthless // useless // oversta-ted // lousy // laughable

~~ 不感興趣及無聊;太差勁;無價值的;無意義的;索然無趣的;沉悶無聊的;荒唐可笑的;愚蠢的;簡直遭透了;一點也不好;不受歡迎的;令人討厭的

~~ strictly for the birds // shit for the birds // horseshit // of no value // of little worth // not worth the straw // not worth the candle // as cheap as chips // not to be taken seriously // no good // appealing to the simpleminded

!! “For the birds” alludes to horse droppings in the days of horse-drawn wagons or carriages, from which small birds would extract the undigested oats or seeds. It might connote that only a birdbrain (small) would go for whatever is being dished out. Thus, the expression is a euphemism for “horseshit.”

(“For the birds”暗指馬車或四輪馬車時代的馬糞,小鳥從中提取未消化的燕麥或種子。這可能意味着只有一個鳥腦(小腦)的人,不管分發出來是甚麼東西都會搶着要。因此,這個表達是“ho-rseshit”的委婉說法。)

!! This slangy Americ-anism dates from the first half of the 20th century: I won’t buy it … it’s for the birds. -- John Crosby (1925-2016). The expression crossed the Atlantic after World War II.

(這美國俚語可以追溯到20世紀上半葉:我不會買它……它是“for the birds”—— 約翰 · 克羅斯比(1925-2016)。二戰後,這種表達方式跨越了大西洋。)

>> Many professionals are not interested in entertainment news and say they are for the birds.


>> The functionality of this new electric car is for the birds. I'd rather drive my traditional car.


學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啓文 教授

2022-06-16 李啓文 1 1 澳门日报 content_199178.html 1 For the Birds——太差勁 /enpproperty-->