
If It Ain't Broke Don't Fix It──別沒事找事做

If It Ain't Broke Don't Fix It──別沒事找事做

** do not try to improve or meddle with something that's functioning adequately~~ 別沒事找事做;不破不修;未損

勿修,能用莫換;勸人不要破壞現狀~~ let s-

leeping dogs lie // leave/let well enough alone // never change a running system // don't change a winning team // perfect/best is the enemy of the good

!! The origin is unknown, but the idea could be in an Aesop’s Greek fable: the fox who refused the hedgehog’s offer to remove its ticks said: "lest by removing these, which are full, other hungry ones will come."


!! The phrase was the motto of Sir Robert Walpole, prime minister ofEngland from 1715 to 1717 and again from 1721 to 1742.

(這句話是一七一五至一七一七年、一七二一至一七四二年英國首相羅伯特 · 沃波爾爵士的座右銘。)

Bert Lance, Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Jimmy Carter, is credited as having popularized this phrase in the May 1977 issue of a magazine Nation’s Business.

(卡特總統的管理和預算辦公室主任伯特 · 蘭斯於一九七七年五月出版的《國家商業》雜誌上,使用並普及了這句短語。)

>> Only one of the twenty fluorescent tubes is broken, we aren’t replacing the whole system. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


>> This door lock is very dilapidated, however, it can still work; if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.



李啓文 教授

2022-05-26 李啓文 1 1 澳门日报 content_195016.html 1 If It Ain't Broke Don't Fix It──別沒事找事做 /enpproperty-->