By the Seat of One's Pants——憑直覺及經驗
** by intuition, instinct, impulse, guess, or improvisation rather than logic or knowledge
~~ based on experience // by feel // off the top of one's head // without preparation // without being planned // without previous thought // without rehearsal
!! This expression was invented by World War II aviators, who used it to describe when flying when instruments were not working or weather interfered with visibility, they must use instincts and feelings.
Aviation had improved by 1942 as indicated in Harper’s magazine: "When you check your instruments you find the airplane is doing a correct job of flying and that the seat of your pants and your eyes would have tricked you had been allowed to do the coordinating."
>> There are many stock investors who buy and sell by the seats of their pants, and some even only know the stock number and do not make trading decisions based on information.
>> John went to a new market to run his business and didn't know anyone. He had no choice but to run the business by the seat of his pants.
李啟文 教授