
Tempest in a Teapot——小題大做

Tempest in a Teapot——小題大做

** a squabble or an outburst over a trifle(為小事而爭吵或爆發)

** a lot of unnecessary anger and worry about a matter that is not important(為瑣事發生很多不必要的憤怒和擔心)

** a small or insignificant event that is over-reacted to, as if it were of considerably more consequence(反應過度的小事件或無關緊要的事件,好像它的後果要大得多。)


~ storm / tempest in a teacup // storm / tempest in a glass of water / much ado about nothing // make a mountain out of molehills // break not a butterfly on a wheel

!! This expression had appeared in varying forms for hundreds of years: storm in a cream bowl (1678 letter from the Duke of Ormond to the Earl of Arlington), tempest in a glass of water (the Grand Duke Paul ofRussia, c.1790), and storm in a hand-wash basin (Lord Thurlow, c.1830).

(數百年來這種表達已經出現了不同模式:奶油碗中的風暴〈Ormond 公爵於1678年給Arlington伯爵的信〉,一杯水中的暴風雨〈俄羅斯Paul大公,1790年〉,在洗手盆裡的暴風〈Thurlow勳爵,1830年〉)

>> I had a question for my dad in primary 6 math, but he solved it with the method he had learnt in college, which was a tempest in a teapot.


>> When Siu Ming got to school, his body temperature reached 37.2 degrees. He dared

ask the school doctor to send him to the hospital for treatment. It was tempest in a teapot.


學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文 教授

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