Fight Tooth and Nail——竭盡所能
** fight vigorously or fiercely, with all one’s resources(用盡個人力量猛力或激烈地戰鬥)// make a strenuous effort(做出艱苦的努力)// cling tenaciously(頑強地堅持)
~~ 竭盡所能;全力拼搏;竭盡全力;激烈爭鬥;全力以赴;猛烈作戰;拼命打;使盡渾身解數
~~ tooth and nail //fight tooth and claw
!! The analogy to biting and scratching was first recorded in 1576. It has been used ever since for fierce contention or strenuous effort. Charles Dickens wrote in David Copperfield in 1850: "I go at it tooth and nail."
(咬痕和抓痕的比喻最早記載於1576年,自後,它一直被用作激烈的爭論或艱苦的奮鬥。查爾斯 · 狄更斯於1850年在其著作《大衛 · 考勃菲爾》中寫道:“我會用牙齒和指甲來對付。”)
!! The expression originated as a Latin proverb. It appeared in 1562 in Ninian Winzet’s Certaine Tractates: "Contending with tuith and nail."
(這表達方式起源於拉丁諺語,它在尼尼安 · 溫澤特於1562年的著作《Certaine Tractates》中出現:“用牙齒和指甲來爭奪。”)
>> A poor single mother fought tooth and nail at work and at home to raise her son. In the end, her son was admitted to a prestigious foreign university and won a Macau scholarship.
>> The most successful electric car company and the other up-and-coming ones are fighting tooth and nail to claim market shares and stay in business long term.
學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啓文 教授