
Axe to Grind——别有用心

Axe to Grind——别有用心

** to maneuver to achieve a personal goal(用操縱來實現個人目標)

** a selfish motive behind a request or action(一個要求或行動背後的自私動機)


~~ ulterior motive(別有用心)// vested interest // hidden agenda // vested interests

!! Benjamin Franklin in 1759 had a story in one of his essays: A stranger with a dull axe complimented a boy working at a grindstone on his intelligence, strength and good looks. He requested to see how a grindstone worked. The boy fell for all this flattery, and turned the grindstone until the axe was as sharp as a razor. Having gained his objective, the stranger went off without thanking the boy."

(Benjamin Franklin於1759年在他的一篇散文中寫了一個故事:一個帶着鈍斧的陌生人稱讚一個在磨石前工作的男孩聰明、強壯和英俊。他要求看看磨石是如何運作的,男孩聽了這些奉承的說話,便轉動磨石,直到斧頭像剃刀一樣鋒利。這個陌生人達到他的目標後,沒有感謝男孩便離開了。)

("ax" is in American English while "axe" in British English. )("ax"是美式英語,而"axe"是英式英語)

>> The staff member didn't have an axe to grind on salary, she mainly wanted to gain the approval and attention of her boss.


>> This male staff member is very hardworking and works overtime almost every night. It turns out that he has an ulterior motive to get acquainted with this female staff member.


學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文  教授

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