Back-Seat Driver——指手劃腳的人
** an annoying passenger in a car who offers unneeded advice to the driver (車內煩人的乘客,向駕駛員提供不需要的建議)// anyone who interferes without having real responsibility or authority(任何干涉但沒有真正責任或權威的人)// a person who offers advice on matters which do not concern them(一個與他們無關卻提供事項建議的人)
~~ 只會出一張嘴的人;多(好)管閒事的人;多嘴多舌瞎出主意者;不負責任亂提建議者;幕後指揮(操控)者;垂簾聽政者;喧賓奪主者;企圖越俎代庖(越權)者;政治評論家
~~ backseat driver // Monday-morning quarterback // armchair general // armchair quarterback // sidewalk superintendent // fault-finder // denigrator
!! In 1920s, the term referred to a passenger, often sitting in the backseat, legitimately giving directions to a chauffeur. Soon after, it was transferred to mean a passenger in a vehicle who is not controlling the vehicle but who excessively comments on the driver's actions and decisions in an attempt to control the vehicle.
>> Tell me what exactly I can change to improve, not just your criticisms. I don’t need any backseat driver on this essay.
>> John's wife is a back-seat driver; she so often manipulates John's words and deeds that causes him to have no initiatives.
李啟文 教授