
Beat One's Brain Out——絞盡腦汁

Beat One's Brain Out——絞盡腦汁

** work energetically(起勁地工作)// work desperately(拼命工作)// to drive oneself hard to accomplish something(努力推動自己去完成某件事)

~~ 傷透腦筋;煞費苦心;費盡心機;挖空心思;費盡心思去思考;冥思苦想;冥思苦索

~~ rack(折磨)one’s brains(絞盡腦汁)// cudgel (用棍棒打)one’s brains(焦心苦慮)// blow someone's brain out // put thinking cap on // mull over (仔細考慮)

!! There are two meanings, though the first one has mostly taken over the other:


1. make a strenuous mental effort to understand or remember something, or solve a difficult problem, often with a sense of having failed.


2. to beat someone severely.


>> Our CEO has beaten his brain out to turn a four-consecutive-year money-losing company into a profitable one.


>> The teams of the two presidential candidates have racked their brains for strategies to win.


學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文  教授

2020-11-12 李啟文  教授 1 1 澳门日报 content_81822.html 1 Beat One's Brain Out——絞盡腦汁 /enpproperty-->