
By the Book——依照慣例

By the Book——依照慣例

** very correctly(非常正確)// according to correct procedures(按照正確程序)// strictly according to the rules(嚴格按照規則)// formally, authoritatively or accurately(正式、權威地或準確地)// operate under regulations, law, contract, etc.(根據法規、法律、合同等操作)

~~ 按常規;按規則;依照慣例;按章辦事;規規矩矩來;墨守成規地辦一切事情

~~ go by the book // play by the book // play by the rules // abide by the rules // abide by the law // by the numbers // throw the book at someone 狠狠責罰某人

!! The "book" in this expression is a set of established rules or, originally, of moral (law) or religious (bible) precepts. The swearing on the Christian Bible in court is still common today.


>> This president does not act by the book.


>> Regarding whether the No. 8 typhoon signal should be hoisted in Hong Kong, the Observatory will use the wind data of 8 designated wind measurement stations as reference. If 4 or more of the 8 of them meet or will reach the gale intensity (that is, the continuous wind reaches 63 to 117 kilometers per hour) index, the No. 8 typhoon signal will be hoisted by the book.


學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文 教授

2020-11-05 學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文 教授 1 1 澳门日报 content_80353.html 1 By the Book——依照慣例 /enpproperty-->