
Cop Out——反悔食言

Cop Out——反悔食言

** back out of a responsibility or commitment(放棄責任或承諾)

~~ 反悔食言;退縮;逃避責任;反悔;變卦了;打了退堂鼓

~~ pass the buck(推卸責任)// back down (退縮)// break a promise (違約)// chicken out (臨陣退縮)// get cold feet (突然退縮)// wriggle out of it (避開)// weasel out (推諉)

!! In the 1930s,“cop”meant to be apprehended by a policeman. To “cop out” meant to plead guilty, especially in “cop a plea.”

(一九三○年代,“cop”意思是被警察逮捕。“cop out”意思是認罪,尤其是“承認有罪以求輕判”。)

!! In the 1950s, “cop out” evolved to mean making a full confession of some crime. Then it meant surrendering, or giving up one’s criminal lifestyle.

(一九五○年代,“cop out”演變為完全承認某些罪行。然後意味着屈服,或者放棄自己的犯罪生活方式。)

!! Beginning in the 1960s, “cop out” developed to mean a person was evading an issue or avoiding trouble with or without an excuse.(從一九六○年代開始,“cop out”的意思發展到一個人在有或沒有藉口下迴避問題或避免麻煩。)

>> The murderer had promised to surrender to the police, but eventually copped out.(這個殺人通緝犯原承諾向警方自首,但最終反悔食言。)

>> To depress the market, he had sold shares at about \$2000, but every time he sold, they were immediately absorbed. He then copped out, and bought back at about \$2500 instead.(為了打壓市場,他以大約二千元的價格出售了股票,但每次出售時,股票立即被吸納。然後他退縮了,並以約二千五百元的價格回購了股票。)

學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文 教授

2020-10-29 學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文 教授 1 1 澳门日报 content_78860.html 1 Cop Out——反悔食言 /enpproperty-->