
Add Insult to Injury——落井下石

Add Insult to Injury——落井下石

**harm a person and then insult him(先傷害一個人,然後侮辱他)// worsen a bad situation(使壞情況惡化)// inflame a tense situation(加劇緊張局勢)// exacerbate(使惡化)


~~ heap insult on injury // put(rub) salt on(in) the wound // add fuel to the fire // pour/throw gas on the fire // twist/turn the knife in the wound

!! In a Greek fable by Aesop, a bald man tried to kill a fly that had bitten him on his head and missed the fly, smacking himself instead. The fly said: "You wanted to kill me for a mere touch. What will you do to yourself, now that you have added insult to injury?"


>> Ahmed has dominated the whole boxing match with a knock-down win, and he said to the defeated, "You low-down loser." This adding insult to injury kind of language should be a no-no in any sport.


>> The T When the economy is in a major recession, the government should take measures to revitalize the economy, not to continue a vicious circle of tightening, which adds insult to injury to our local economy.


學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文  教授

2020-10-08 學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啟文  教授 1 1 澳门日报 content_74454.html 1 Add Insult to Injury——落井下石 /enpproperty-->