
Chicken Without Its Head──無法控制

Chicken Without Its Head──無法控制

**acting without thinking and seems very confused(未有思考且看起來很困惑迷茫)

!!This simile alludes to the barnyard experience where the body of a chicken whose head has been cut off sometimes totters (tremble, stagger, wobble) about crazily for a time before succumbing.


>>Some schools are acting like chicken without its head. During the Coronavirus epidemic, they force students to hand in their homework. Tests and dictations are required in less than two weeks since schools restarted. They completely ignore the guidelines of the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau.


>>Some schools believe that due to the severe Coronavirus epidemic, the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau is running like a chicken without its head and not able to control them. They intentionally would not comply with its regulations. However, those schools have to "repay" in the future, because the Bureau can decide the future land grants, site selection and subsidies for the schools.


學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啓文 教授

2020-07-23 學勤進修教育中心英語專科導師 李啓文 教授 1 1 澳门日报 content_59003.html 1 Chicken Without Its Head──無法控制 /enpproperty-->